Thursday, December 18, 2008

Final Finally Finished!!!!

Well, I have to say that the last 12 hours of my graduate school career were pretty darn stressful. I tried troubleshooting for hours, but was unable to get either Jing or Audacity to work in order to make a screencast or a podcast of my final presentation.

I finally realized I wasn't going to be able to get either to work and started thinking about an alternative method of presentation. So, rather than screencasting my presentation, I ended up doing it via Voicethread.

Here are the other elements of my project:
Staff Wiki
Staff Blog
Staff Ning

They say you usually learn more from your failures than your successes, and the experience I had with trying to get my presentation recorded last night and today really showed me how true that is! I want to thank Steve again publicly for introducing us to so many different technologies and applications this semester. We all now have so many different tools in our social software "bag of tricks" and never know when we might need to use one of them.

I really enjoyed working with all of you this semester too and hope everyone enjoys the much deserved time off!

1 comment:

Spung Mills History Room said...

Ow. I know I wouldn't have been able to go your route without some kind of off-the-wall inspiration (especially at that hour of the night, er, morning). Good for you for finding it.

It's been great working with you this semester and the thought of your housecleaning vid will always bring a smile to my face. :) Jen H