Sunday, October 5, 2008

Is RSS part of the solution or part of the problem with regard to Information Overload?

Earlier in the week when I first recognized all the potential uses for RSS, I initially thought it definitely was a great way to combat information overload. The more I read and learned and thought about RSS, however, made me realize there really are two sides to the coin. Like Gabrielle mentioned in her blog, I was dumbfounded upon hearing that Meredith Farkas reads 170 blogs on a regular basis. (And, I believe, she mentioned in the podcast that she knows people who keep track of somewhere around 500!!!) This would be absolutely impossible without RSS. Because RSS makes it so simple to bring all the information people want to keep up with directly to them, people are trying to keep up with more and more. It all appears less overwhelming on the surface, but I think, somehow, it's ultimately going to lead to more overload.

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